Yes, We are proud to announce that we currently ship worldwide. Shipping rates may vary from country to country due to the varying shipping carrier costs.

Once you have finished adding items to your Cart, simply click the “Check Out” button on the Shopping Cart and we will guide you through the check out process.

We accept credit cards, debit cards, Apple Pay, Google pay and Paypal.

Our site uses a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to encrypt all personal information sent during the check out process. For more information on how we secure and use your information, please consult our Privacy Policy.

Yes. Cancellations must be made within 24 hours of order placement. Send us an email within 24 hours and let us know the reason why you wish to cancel your order. All refunds will be process within 24-48 hours.

1-2 business days estimate processing time

Your processing time starts the day we receive your order.

2-9 business days estimate shipping time
In most cases, the package will be delivered within the estimated time of arrival. However, the actual delivery date may be affected by flight arrangements, weather conditions and other external factors.

We based at: 9500 West Maule Avenue , Las Vegas , NV ,89145, US and our warehouse situated in China. 

We ship from China.

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